Creating a Purpose Built Mosque
We are grateful to the community and our supporters for their support that has allowed us to get this far, we are now working to develop the plans and proposal for a dedicated purpose built facility in the locality to serve as our Mosque.
Your continued prayers and support are encouraged.
Visiting Charities to Heart of Enfield Mosque
As part of our continued commitment to Philanthropy, we were pleased to welcome a range of external charities to our Taraweeh during Ramadan to collect funds towards their projects. From humanitarian work with Global Relief Trust & Mosque Building with Seven Sisters Mosque & Enfield Town Islamic Centre as well as youth work with the Yaseen Youth, we are pleased to as a community be of assistance to a range of excellent projects serving our communities.
Saturday School for Kids
Successful Purchase of the New Mosque site
message from the chairman
As Salaamu Alaykum
It is with great honour and privilege that I write this message to the community and stakeholders of ‘The Heart of Enfield Mosque’ project. Although it is customary to present a chairman’s message, this message reflects the thoughts of the entire team at our organisation as we are a united group of people who are inspired, motivated and energised to make this dream a reality. So please consider this a message of promise and reflection from the team to our community.
The vision for this Mosque isn’t anything new or revolutionary, rather it seeks to continue and deliver the standards and expectations of what a mosque should be: a space where people come to benefit from the goodness of Islam and have the opportunity to do good themselves. It should be an open, inclusive space for everyone in our community to find spirituality within the values and goodness that is Islam.
An Enfield educated in, inspired by, and conscious of Islamic values & teachings
artist’s impressions
The Heart of Enfield Mosque – a modern, purpose-built space for faith.